Info- Can I Claim Benefits?
A list of benefits currently available
As of 01/07/2020 these benefits are available. Please read details for eligibility
Personal Independent Payment – (PIP) is a non means tested benefit that helps with the extra costs of a long-term health condition or disability for people aged 16 up to age 65 (or State Pension age whichever is higher). It is gradually replacing Disability Living Allowance (DLA). You could get between £23.60 and £151.40 a week and the amount you get depends on how your condition affects you, not the condition itself. You can claim PIP whether you are working or not and you must have a health condition or disability where you have difficulties with daily living or getting around (or both) for three months.
Attendance Allowance – (AA) is a non means tested benefit for people of State Pension age or older. It is to support people who have difficulties or need help with daily living due to disability or illness. AA is paid at two different rates; you could get £59.70 or £89.15 a week. You do not need to have someone else care for you in order to claim. If you have been on the lower level for a while it may be worth reviewing if you are now experiencing difficulties during the night time.
Employment Support Allowance – (ESA) You can apply for ESA if you are under State Pension age and you have a disability or health condition that affects how much you can work. You can apply whether you’re in or out of work. There are conditions to working while claiming ESA.
Universal Credits – (UC) is a payment to help with your living costs, for people under state pension age. It’s paid monthly – or twice a month for some people in Scotland. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income, out of work or you cannot work. UC is slowly replacing; Child Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, Income Support, Income related ESA, Working Tax Credits.
CARERS ALLOWANCE– If you provide help and support to someone who claims AA or PIP and spend 35 hours or more helping them, you may be eligible. All the following must also apply: you are over 16, live in England for at least 2 of the last 3 years, not in full time education or studying 21 hours or more a week and not earn more than £128 after tax, NI and expenses per week. Or you could claim Carers Credit if you are caring for someone for 20 hours a week and you will be credited with National Insurance contributions.
More Benefits for Pensioners and Older People in the UK
Pension credits is an income-related, tax free benefit for people over the State Pension age. It comes in two parts: – Guarantee Credit – an income top-up for those on low incomes – available for those with a a weekly income below £167.25 for single pensioners and below £255.25 for pensioners with partners. – Savings Credit – this is an extra payment for older people who saved some money towards their retirement. It is only available to those who reached State Pension age before 6 April 2016.
When applying for Pension Credit, the government will look at all your income. This will include both your basic and additional state pension, any income from other pensions, income from any other jobs you have any savings over £10,000.
Receiving pension credit makes you eligible for many more incredibly helpful benefits, so it’s definitely worth applying. You can start your application for Pension Credit four months before you reach State Pension age. To apply, call the Pension Service on 0800 99 1234. You will need to give your NI number, your bank account details, and information about your income. If you receive Pension Credit, even if it’s only a small amount, you can also qualify for the following
benefits for pensioners:
- Free TV licence from August 2020
Council tax reduction
Housing benefit – for those who pay rent
Cold weather payments
And several others
- Free TV licence from August 2020