Volunteer with Northants Parkinson's People

Working alongside our trustees we also have some dedicated volunteers. People volunteer for us because we are friendly, fun, supportive and have a genuine desire to help others. We don’t get paid which ensures that every penny donated to Northants Parkinson’s People gets spent locally on supporting people affected by Parkinson’s.

Would you like to volunteer with us?

If you would like to work with us you could help us make a real difference to people affected by Parkinson’s in Northamptonshire. Volunteering is extremely rewarding and we are a friendly bunch who support each other. 

We are looking for volunteers to help make friendship calls to people who find it difficult to get out and about. This is a really important mission of ours to combat loneliness and social isolation. A telephone call from a friend can mean a huge amount when you are alone – can you help us provide this lifeline? 

When the restrictions are over we will be organising social events that you may like to help with. Plus, we have a monthly newsletter with a growing audience, perhaps you have an interesting story you would like to write for us or an important piece of information to share which may help others?

Do you want to volunteer?

Please contact us via the Helpline or use our contact form

Some of our Volunteers


Hello I’m Sylvia, aged 77 and a volunteer for this marvellous charity. My husband, Bob, had Parkinson’s and I was his carer for quite a few years. So I understand the difficulties of everyday life dealing with this dreadful disease. We both made some wonderful friends in the group and they were really supportive and carried on being so when Bob passed away. I volunteered for this charity because I am a firm believer in its aims. There is nothing worse than loneliness. A phone call and a chat to someone can change their day and lift their spirits making them realise they are not alone.

When we have each other, we have everything.


A few years ago, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease. On being diagnosed, I was left stunned and wondering what happens next – on reading up on the subject, I was left totally confused. A visit from Mel Smith, the Parkinsons nurse, helped coordinate my thoughts a little, but what was really helpful were the names and telephone numbers of persons to contact. One person, in particular, was Angela Jeffery, who is totally committed to what she does.
Angela has been my inspiration. Regardless of how you feel, she does not let you give up and it is because of Angela that I am volunteering with Northants Parkinson’s People. We are a wonderful group all at different stages of the disease but we can have lots of fun together and be there for one another.


I started volunteering for fit and fab back in 2017. At the time I was quite lost, having just dropped out of university and unsure what I was going to do next. My mum suggested volunteering, I think mostly to get me out of the house! But I thought it would be a good thing to do with my time and something to add to my CV whilst I looked for a job. Little did I know how much I would come to love helping out and that I would still be doing it over two years later and after having found an actual job!
I learnt so many things whilst helping with fit and fab and the tulip group; how to line dance, what decoupage is and the best recipe for green tomato chutney. It has made me more understanding of Parkinson’s as a condition and how it affects people in a huge variety of ways. It was incredible seeing people who were new to the class quickly get stuck in and how much the exercises improved not just their fitness, but balance, speech and so much more. I even persuaded my Nan to join the group and so it became a nice thing that we could do together.
Most importantly though, I met some absolutely wonderful people. It is a brilliant community where everyone could feel comfortable sharing their feelings and I am very proud to have been part of it.
Unfortunately, I started a new job this year with less flexible hours. I have all my fingers crossed that will change and I can soon come back to the class! I would recommend volunteering with Parkinson’s People wholeheartedly, it was definitely one of the best decisions I made. 


Hello, my name is Nick and I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in 2006 which was a big shock at 49. I felt like locking myself away and not telling anyone, I then, through a Parkinson’s Nurse, was given Angela Jeffery’s number who ran a support group, this was the best thing that could have happened to me.
Angela suggested I meet other people with Parkinson’s, I was a bit hesitant at the time, but eventually, I met John who gave me great advice/reassurance and slowly met a few others, this made me realise you can carry on with life normally and learn to live with the condition.
Angela obviously knew quite a few other people with Parkinson’s and suggested I set up and organise meetings for a men’s only group which I was happy to do. This has been a great success with us meeting once a month for various activities such as snooker, bowling and going to the pub for meals and the odd brewery tour!
Through this, we have got to know each other very well and I have made some really great friends for life and don’t know what I would do without this group. It’s a pleasure to get everybody together and it’s nice to feel relaxed with everyone in the same situation.
We have been a tower of strength to each other, and if anyone else who would like to join us for advice or social activities they would be more than welcome and it’s not all about Parkinson’s.


Writing an article without a title can present a dilemma on just where to start, so I’ll take a lead quite simply from the request to write a few lines on why I joined Fit and Fab and Friday walks in the park.
I joined Northants Parkinson’s People walks following my training as a Nordic Walking Instructor through Parkinson’s UK. The initial intention was to champion the benefit of walking with two poles. The level of positive enthusiasm by the group lead me very quickly to becoming a permanent fixture, or could that be a volunteer! Either way, it’s a win win situation as I followed on to join, and greatly benefit from, Fit and Fabs weekly keep fit which absolutely complements and prepares for those walks in the park.
Volunteering with the group has had its benefits in perfecting the concept of Nordic Walking tailored to individual needs, aspirations, and not forgetting limitations. The positive feedback is encouraging as participants realise and voice the benefits of walking with two poles.


I am so excited to be volunteering for Northants Parkinson’s People. I think it is fantastic that the people of Northamptonshire who are living with Parkinson’s, now have the opportunity to be part of such a friendly, positive, proactive and supportive group. The committee and management team – myself now included have a real honest desire to support everyone affected by Parkinson’s disease, which, as we know makes life hard at times. Please, please join us – you don’t have to do anything except perhaps glance over the newsletter once a month and if you have any questions or requests or ideas let us know. Join us, be part of this community and help us to help you…..


Having a degenerative neurological illness was always going to be a completely scary thing to deal with. Although, if we’re being open and honest, there are many worse conditions that could have been heaped on our poor unsuspecting shoulders. I guess what I’m trying to say is, you should be grateful that we only have Parkinson’s disease to deal with!
There are many conditions that had it turned out to be one of them I wouldn’t have been physically capable of actively fighting the onslaught and never-ending march towards total chaos.
I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease way back in 2003, whereas every day since has been a battle, it’s a battle that we must fight, and we must win. There’s no time for sentiment here, if you have family and friends that care for you, I believe it’s your duty to fight any serious illness with as much energy and vigour that you can muster. You should seek assistance from people that have a direct connection with the disease. I would suggest that anyone trying to come to terms with Parkinson’s contact Angela Jeffery working at Northants Parkinson’s People to discuss your best way forward. Angela’s experiences will support and enhance your understanding of Parkinson’s. Indeed, the entire management committee team are dedicated in their desire to help as many individuals affected by the disease as possible. I will support the charity, Northants Parkinson’s People in any way that I can.

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