Our Purpose

Northants Parkinson’s People aim to support all individuals affected by Parkinson’s disease (PD) including families, friends and carers.

We are all volunteers who have also been affected by PD so we understand how this debilitating, progressive disease can make life more difficult and we don’t want anyone to feel they are alone – we are here to help.

We recognise how important it is to connect with others who can completely understand and empathise with what life throws at you from time to time. When people do not have this support they can feel isolated and alone. We aim to tackle these negative feelings by providing different types of support services to suit the individual – one size does not fit all and we celebrate our differences.

Northants Parkinson’s People aim to support you from first diagnosis by providing information about PD and how to navigate what additional help you may be entitled to. 

The Four Brians

We have different groups and activities which you may like to connect with, you may even like to offer help with these or new activities and become more involved, which is always great. At the end of the day, we are a community and we know that helping others, does actually help yourself too. Just coming along and engaging, helps others in attendance to feel part of something special, it really can be that easy and simple to support each other. As your journey with Parkinson’s continues and changes so may the support you require. We will be there with you and support you in any way you need.

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